How EAP Counselling Boosts Workplace Productivity?

EAP Counselling

Empirical data substantiates the notion that employee assistance programmes (EAPs) effectively mitigate sick leave and mental health issues that contribute to employee absenteeism and workplace stress. However, as a service, it’s been classified. The fame of the policy comes from the fact that it acts as HR’s last resort, thus helping the managers to evade the issues that are related to finance, relationships, and mental health. It is important to be aware of the advantages, disadvantages and the way to implement an Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) at your company before you put it in your employee benefits package. If you want to avoid all the problems or to be dealt with quickly then you should install EAP counselling to your business right away.

Increases Productivity

Are you aware that staff cause organizations to lose 36.6% of their productivity annually? Your staff members lose motivation and creativity at work when they are sidetracked or diverted from their goals. EAP supports staff members by offering guidance and motivation to achieve their assigned goals. Consequently, more productivity and even larger profits follow naturally.

Helps In Encouraging a Positive Work Environment

Contented workers produce significantly more than disgruntled ones. By providing an EAP, employers may create a pleasant work atmosphere by making workers feel like they are a part of a big family. By doing this, companies gain the trust of their staff members, putting them at rest and enabling them to get help right away in the event of a personal emergency. In the end, this fosters a good attitude at work and a productive atmosphere where workers are inspired to give it their all.

Allows Employees To Find A Work-Life Balance

Even if a worker’s mental health and well-being are private matters, the consequences can be extensive and even affect their work-life balance. Numerous studies have found that most people experience overload while attempting to balance their personal and professional lives simultaneously. An employee support programme, however, can aid staff members in lessening part of that load. The EAP Counselling specialists now provide a variety of services to assist reduce some of the stress that employees may be experiencing in their daily lives, from giving guidance to arranging child care or even elder care. In the end, this enables workers to maintain a good work-life balance and become more focused.

Affordable To Implement

The affordability of implementing an EAP Counselling in the company is one of its main advantages. Unbeknownst to you, the cost of implementing an EAP is less than 1% of what companies spend on employee health insurance. Therefore, deciding to use an EAP Counselling might result in a decrease in labour conflicts, disability claims, and even workers’ compensation claims.

Reduces Worker Absenteeism

A recent Gallup survey found that companies with engaged, healthy staff saw a 41% decrease in employee absenteeism. That is exactly what an EAP Counselling is meant to achieve.

These programmes assist prepare your staff for success by addressing their difficulties and concentrating on their mental and physical health. Therefore, when your staff members are in good mental and physical health, they will often be more punctual for work. Produce more during the day, and take fewer sick days.

Keeps Employees’ Mental Well-Being In Check

According to one of the Mental Health Foundation’s research, about 14.7% of workers have a mental health issue at work. This might therefore frequently have a detrimental effect on your company and your yearly goals. Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) is a service that provides several services, including counselling for employees to prevent such situations. Nevertheless, it also teaches managers and team leaders how to lead inclusively thus creating a working environment. Where employees feel at ease to come out of the closet and talk about their mental health issues.

Providing Outplacement Services

Still, regardless of size, all businesses have their ups and downs. Businesses are forced to reorganize and trim down their staff during this difficult economic period. During these times, EAP benefits both companies and employees. Its outplacement services shield companies from future labour issues and lawsuits while also helping employees find new careers.

Final Thought

In light of the fact that stress is a major issue in our lives right now, employers have an obligation to assist staff members and promote their wellbeing.  One strategy to safeguard your workforce and build a contented and effective team is to implement a Workplace Assistance Programme (EAP). Also read more interesting articles.